Department of Sociology Diversity Statement

The Department of Sociology values and prioritizes respect for all members of the sociology community across all settings. We aim to be a community that includes and values the voices of all people. Our department seeks to critically explore the social construction and impact of many manifestations of diversity, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, abilities, class, and nationality.

The Department of Sociology is committed to being a place that values diversity, provides equal opportunity, fosters mutual respect, challenges stereotyped preconceptions, and condemns all forms of discrimination and prejudice. We are committed to increasing the representation of those populations that historically have been marginalized and excluded from participation in U.S. higher education and the social sciences. We understand that drawing on diverse perspectives and experiences is central to creating a welcoming and rich academic, intellectual, and cultural environment for everyone.

Efforts to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive department include, but are not limited to, the following goals:

  • Cultivating a culture of acceptance and inclusion in which diversity is valued and visible;
  • Engaging in open dialogue on diversity issues;
  • Being sensitive to the use of language that discriminates, alienates, disrespects, or degrades marginalized populations;
  • Incorporating diversity in curriculum, teaching, and other practices;
  • Enhancing awareness of diversity and equity issues through ongoing research and applied work;
  • Recruiting, supporting and retaining faculty, students, and staff that represent the diversity of our community and discipline;
  • Acting as leaders in the classroom, meetings, and all department events by setting the tone for tolerance and respect;
  • Developing and strengthening collaborative relationships with a diverse range of on-campus and off-campus partners;
  • Developing procedures within the department that allow students, staff, and faculty to feel safe in contesting practices that act contrary to our diversity mission.

The Department of Sociology has expanded on our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the department’s Equity and Justice Policy

The department welcomes and encourages undergraduates, graduate students, staff, and faculty to let us know how we are doing in meeting our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Please click here to submit feedback on what we have done well or what needs improvement. The latter can include specific incidents you would like to report as well as general programmatic matters. Your feedback will be sent to the Department’s Equity and Justice Committee, which oversees the department’s diversity and inclusion efforts.


Last modified
05/11/2023 - 2:58 pm