Amelia Branigan is a social demographer with central interests in inequality, health, and the criminal justice system. Her current work follows three lines of inquiry. A first project considers the social consequences of variation in visible phenotype, specifically focusing on body mass and skin color. A second project uses Scandinavian registry data to consider how infertility, defined as the inability to conceive a wanted pregnancy, is associated with differential outcomes in children ultimately conceived. Two new projects consider the interaction between health and the criminal justice system: the first interrogates the association between parental incarceration and child physical health, while the second asks how shifts in spatialized neighborhood violence, operationalized as transitioning gang boundaries in Chicago, affect a range of individual-level and neighborhood-level health and educational outcomes. Branigan completed her postdoctoral training at the Cornell Population Center, and joined the Department of Sociology at the University of Maryland as an assistant professor in the fall of 2018. She received her PhD and MA in sociology from Northwestern University, and a BA in History and Journalism from New York University.

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Amelia Branigan picture
3121 Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
Department of Sociology
branigan [at]