Katelyn Foltz (she/her) earned her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Global Studies: Securities and Justice from the University of Virginia in 2018. She earned her first Master of Arts in Sociology at George Mason University in 2020. She earned her second Master of Arts in Sociology from the University of Maryland - College Park in 2022. Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Maryland – College Park. Her dissertation is a mixed methods study exploring gender-based violence in sport and how athlete market value impacts whether or not they experience a consequence for perpetrating gender-based violence.
Framed through the lens of intersectionality, she explores how institutions create and maintain social inequalities, thereby promoting exploitation and violence towards marginalized populations. She explores the intersections of race, class, and gender in two distinct but overlapping institutions: sports and intimate partner relationships (family). In addition to researching violence as a tool to maintain structures of inequality, she also investigates resistance and activism at the micro and macro levels within these institutions. She draws on theories of gender, critical race theory, intersectionality, and abolition. Methodologically, she employs both qualitative (content analysis and in-depth interviews) and quantitative approaches (regression models and bi-variate analysis), to analyze a database she co-created (the Gender-Based Violence in Sport Database).
Areas of Interest
- gender
- race
- critical race theory
- intersectionality
- media
- sport
- masculinity
- activism
- gender-based violence
Master of Arts in Sociology from the University of Maryland - College Park
Master of Arts in Sociology from George Mason University
Certificate in Women & Gender Studies from George Mason University
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Global Studies: Securities & Justice from the University of Virginia
Eastern Sociological Society (ESS), presented “The Portal to Feminism in the Barbie Movie: Challenging the patriarchy and deviant gender expression by Allan and Weird Barbie” with Katie Mirance, Maria Paula Mendoza, and Dr. Marissa Kiss
Eastern Sociological Society (ESS), presented “How Deadly is the National Football League (NFL)?: Analysis of Deceased NFL Players and Their Deaths” with Richard Sellers and Dr. Kris Marsh
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), presented “How Deadly is the National Football League (NFL)? Analysis of Deceased NFL Players and Their Deaths” with Richard Sellers & Dr. Kris Marsh
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), presented “The ‘Boys of Fall’ and the bolstering of white racial identity: small-town football culture and the maintenance of white American masculine tradition,”
Equitable Approaches: Addressing Gender-Based Violence through Scholarship, Advocacy, & Activism at the University of Delaware, panelist discussing "Gender-Based Violence in Sport"
American Sociological Association (ASA), presented "'The “Boys of Fall' and the bolstering of white racial identity: small-town football culture and the maintenance of white American masculine tradition"
Physical Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference, presented "Make way for activism: A content analysis exploring media coverage of WNBA activism"
Southern Sociological Society (SSS), presented "Make way for activism: A content analysis exploring media coverage of WNBA activism"
American Sociological Association (ASA), presented "2022, “Watch Me Protest: Comparing Sport Media’s Portrayal of Athlete Activism Across the (M)NBA & WNBA" in Los Angeles, California
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), presented "2022, “Watch Me Protest: Comparing Sport Media’s Portrayal of Athlete Activism Across the (M)NBA & WNBA" in Montreal, Canada
Southern Sociological Society (SSS), presented "Watch Me Protest: Comparing Sport Media’s Portrayal of Athlete Activism Across the (M)NBA & WNBA" in Birmingham, Alabama
American Sociological Association (ASA), presented "The Slander of Colin Kaepernick by Fox News: The Media’s Use of White Paternalism and Hegemonic Masculinity in the Maintenance of White American Masculinity" (virtual)
Global Conference on Women & Gender at Christopher Newport University, presented "The Slander of Colin Kaepernick by Fox News: The Media’s Use of White Paternalism and Hegemonic Masculinity in the Maintenance of White American Masculinity” (virtual)
- Mirance, Katie, Katelyn E. Foltz, Angela J. Hattery, Marissa Kiss, and Earl Smith. 2024. “Theorizing Feminist Abolitionist Approaches to Gender-Based Violence: A descriptive case study of gender-based violence in SportsWorld.” Gender & Society
- Kiss, Marissa, Katelyn E. Foltz, Angela J. Hattery, Katie Mirance, and Earl Smith. 2024. “What is a girl worth?: Gender-Based Violence in Sport and a lack of accountability.” Sociology of Sport Journal 1-12 (https://doi.org/10.1123/ssj.2023-0135).
- Lackey, Dalton J., Angelica C. Loblack, Teagan H. Murphy, and Katelyn E. Foltz. 2024. “The COVID-19 Murders”: Prison Death-Worlds and the Fatal Convenience of Crisis.'' Punishment & Society (https://doi.org/10.1177/14624745241264299)
- Justin, Tori* and Katelyn E. Foltz*. 2023.“Title IX is the Master’s Tool: (Re)conceptualizing Gender and Race Equity in U.S. Education.” Journal of Black Sexuality & Relationships 10(1-2): 15-30 (10.1353/bsr.2023.a910427).
- Freetly Porter, Emma, Maria Paula Mendoza, Miaomiao Deng, Katelyn E. Foltz, and Angela Hattery. 2024. “Institutional Betrayal in the Criminal and Civil Legal Systems" Journal of Interpersonal Violence
- Smith, Earl, Angela Hattery, Marissa Kiss, & Katelyn E. 2023. "Re-Conceptualizing Kaepernick’s Kneeling Protests and His Banishment From the NFL as an Infringement on His 'Right to Work.'" Journal of Black Studies.
- Hattery, Angela, Earl Smith, Katelyn E Foltz, Marissa Kiss. 2023. "Ineffective policies for gender-based violence in sports result in a lack of accountability" The Brookings Institute.
- Foltz, Katelyn. 2022. "Research Note: The (Re)-Education of Colin Kaepernick, the Social Protest he led, and his Quest to work in the National Football League." Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation. https://journals.shareok.org/jheai/article
- "The United States' History of Unsportsmanlike Conduct & the Portrayal of Colin Kaepernick: How the Culture Surrounding Football Reinforces the White Supremacist Patriarchy & Nationalism"