Chandra Reyna is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park, a former McNair Scholar, and a recipient of a 2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Her scholarship broadly tries to understand how macro-level social processes affect day-to-day micro interactions at the intersection of race, gender, and family. Her previous research examines institutional responses to social and racial justice work taking place on predominantly white college campuses. Her current projects explore racial identity and racialization in Latinx and multiracial families.

Her dissertation—which is titled “More than a Monolith: Later-Generation Latinx Motherwork and Motherhood Ideologies”—explores how third+ generation Latinx mothers not only experience motherhood but how their social location, generation in the United States, and experience with racialization informs their motherwork and mothering ideologies.

Chandra is also an adjunct faculty member and an Education Specialist for the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program at Boise State University, her beloved alma mater.

Areas of Interest

  • Racial and Ethnic Identity
  • Race, Class, and Gender
  • Social Psychology
  • Social Stratification
  • Qualitative Methods
CV: Chandra Reyna CV39.92 KB


  • BS
    Sociology | Boise State University
  • BS
    Psychology | Boise State University
  • BA
    Ethnic Studies | Boise State University
  • MA
    Sociology | University of Maryland, College Park
Chandra Reyna
creyna [at]
Office Hours
By appointment